Equal Opportunities Policy

00 wishes it to be known that it has adopted the following Equal Opportunities Policy: To help ensure that the talents, skills and resources of all members of the Agency are utilised to the full, and that no job applicants or employees receive less favourable treatment than any others because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, or because of their gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, physical ability or marital status.

To these ends 00 will:

  • Operate a system wherein individuals are selected, promoted and treated solely on the basis of their merits and abilities as appropriate to the job.

  • Ensure recruitment and interview panels are diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, and status.

  • Respect the diversity of all our clients and customers, and adopt appropriate working methods in respect of their ethnic culture.

  • Seek to give all employees equal opportunity and encouragement to progress within the Agency.

  • Be mindful of its legal obligations under the Race Relations Act, The Sex Discrimination Act, and the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act.

  • Distribute and publicise this policy statement throughout the company and elsewhere as from time to time appropriate.

  • Provide facilities for any employee who believes that inequitable treatment has been suffered by her/him within the scope of this policy, to raise the matter through an appropriate grievance procedure.

  • Collect and monitor relevant records of those seeking and gaining employment with it.

  • Be mindful, in the conduct of its internal affairs, or its commitment to equal opportunity and alert to the possibility of institutional or indirect discrimination and seek to ensure that no partner or employee is denied due participation in decision making and in the running of the Agency and projects because of domestic commitments.

  • Keep up to date with the Equality Act 2010 and new legislation.


00 Non-discrimination Policy Statement


00 aims to be an equal opportunity practice. This is done not only to conform with current legislation but to harness the full potential of everybody involved in our projects and collaborations to make sure everybody is treated fairly and with dignity. In keeping with this aim the partnership has introduced a written policy for all the practice to provide guidelines as to acceptable behaviour.


Policy Statement

In accordance with the above aim Architecture00 endeavours to treat all collaborators, partners, employees and job applicants on the basis of merit and ability to do the job without any influence of race, colour, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, age or any other grounds which are unjustifiable in terms of equality of opportunity.

Architecture00 endeavours not to discriminate in the areas of collaboration, training, access to benefits and services  and dismissal. It is also the policy of 00 that all partners, collaborators, contractors and employees be allowed to work in an environment free from discrimination (direct, indirect, victimisation, harassment, etc.) including unsolicited or unwelcome comments.

As part of the above principle, partners, collaborators and staff should receive equal pay for the same work, for work rated as equivalent and for work of equal value. Architecture00 recognises that in order to achieve equal pay for equal work we should operate a pay system, based on objective criteria and free of bias.


Types of discrimination

Direct Discrimination consists of treating a person on grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, physical and mental disability, sexual orientation or age less favourably than others.

Indirect Discrimination exists where in any circumstances a provision, criterion or practice which, although applied equally to persons of all groups, is such that a considerably smaller proportion of a particular group can comply with it and it cannot be shown to be justifiable on other grounds. It would also include the harassment and victimisation of staff.

Victimisation includes in particular victimisation of an individual who has made or is considering making a complaint about discrimination in good faith. 

Harassment is unwanted conduct based on sex or race which affects the dignity of men and women at work. It is the non-reciprocal and offensive nature of the harassment which is important and such behaviour will be viewed from the point of view of the recipient.