Impact Hub Birmingham

Over the years, Architecture 00 have become close collaborators and even closer friends with the incredible team behind Impact Hub Birmingham.

00 supported the Impact Hub start-up founding team with the refurbishment and fitout of their coworking space in the historic Walker Building in Birmingham’s Digbeth neighbourhood in 2014. The design enabled a low-cost, high impact refurbishment open to the inputs of a wide range of creatives, designers and makers.

Our role integrated consultation, space strategy, physical fit-out, bespoke furniture and graphic design creating a highly collaborative, vibrant workspace that enables the diverse and supportive community to flourish. 00 also supported by developing strategies and systems for Impact Hub Birmingham’s vision, governance, business case modelling, funding strategy, and workspace operation. 

At the end of 2019, after five successful years of ground-breaking work, Impact Hub Birmingham had to vacate their premises in Digbeth as the landlord is redeveloping the site for residential.

The Impact Hub Birmingham team have ambitions to relaunch in 10,000sqm of bespokely designed social impact space workspace. 00 have been developing a new proposition with them to create a ‘Civic Square’ in Birmingham, building on all the learning, experimentation, and movement building which the Impact Hubs have enabled.

See CIVIC SQUARE for more information on our next steps with the Impact Hub Birmingham team.

Location: Digbeth, Birmingham

Client: Impact Hub Birmingham

Construction Period: March 2015 - May 2015

Area: 1000m2

Impact Hub Birmingham

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